Tax Talks

412 | Pipeline Walkthrough with Prime Partners

Here is a pipeline walkthrough with Prime Partners in Sydney to show you what other accountants are doing. To hear from others what worked and didn’t work for them.

Pipeline Walkthrough with Prime Partners

In this episode, you will hear from James Carey of Prime Partners in Sydney how they built their app stack. Here is what we learned but please listen in as James explains all this much better than we ever could.

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Pipeline Walkthrough with Prime Partners

There is a lot more in this episode than we are listing here. Please listen to the episode since we don’t do it justice here. Having said that, here is a quick list of the apps we touch on, but listen in since we only scrape the tip of the iceberg in these show notes.

Xero Blue and Xero Ledgers, Xero Practice Management (XPM), SuiteFiles, FYI, Ignition, Quotient, iFirmAE Tax (MYOB), Microsoft Office365, Caseware, Link Reporting, BGL, Class, Fathom, NowInfinity, CAS360, AccountKit, Confluence and Jira (Atlassian), Knowledge Shop, iCCH, ATOSmartDocs, Dext, Hubdoc, Annature.

Pipeline Walkthrough with Taxopedia in episode 383

This is the second pipeline walkthrough we have done so far. The last one was with Taxopedia in episode 383 – have a listen to that one as well if you found this one helpful.


Pipeline Walk Through with Taxopedia

Hubspot for Accountants

CRMs for Accountants


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