Tax Talks

241 | Marketing Hacks

marketing hacks

Learn marketing hacks from the big guys. There are enough tools out there to do just that. 

Marketing Hacks To Learn From The Big Guys

The top tier accounting firms do many things differently to a small or mid tier accounting firm. And there are reasons for that. But many marketing hacks the big firms use are just equally available to you.

In this episode Melissa Donnelly of Affinity Communications discusses what small to mid tier accounting firms can learn from the big guys. Here is what we learned but please listen in as Melissa explains all this much better than we ever could.

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Marketing Hacks To Learn From The Big Guys

Just because you you are smaller doesn’t mean you can’t cherry pick from the best of the big end of town.  Here are 5 things to learn from the big guys.

1 – Focus on Scale

First of all change how you think about growth. It is easy to equal business growth with getting bigger. Bigger as in more people and more floor space. But bigger isn’t necessarily better. And this focus on size can limit your options.

Insteadthink of growth in terms of scale. Scale can mean more work from existing clients. It can mean staff doing more high value work while low value work is outsourced or automated. Or it can mean your brand presence expands to new markets or industry sectors. 

2 – One Brand

Consider having ancillary services co-located under one brand. That is what the bigger firms are doing. They offer a range of services all under one brand. So team up with others under one brand.

3 – Big Data

The big end of town uses big data – a lot – captured from their large client and stakeholder base. While you don’t have that, you still sit on a lot more data than you might think.

So apply their discipline around data to your own practice. Your data can help you understand how effective your sales are, how well you retain clients or how your content is consumed and acted on.

4 – Efficiency Tools

It used to be that the big guys have all the tools and the little guys have pen and paper. Not anymore. There are hundreds of apps out there that give you the efficiency tools the big guys use.

The challenge is choice. There are so many apps out there that it can be hard to work out what works best for you.

5 – Combine Outsource v In-House

The big guys engage big marketing agencies for strategy and social media but then manage the rest through their in-house marketing team. Do the same. Combine outsourcing with in-house resources.

Outsource your strategy and brand development to experienced professionals. Outsource your specialist work such as your social media management. But then build up in-house resources to implement the programme and manage your tech stack. 


So this is a short overview of what we learned while talking with Melissa Donnelly. But please listen in as Melissa explains all this in a lot more detail.



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