Tax Talks

416 | How AI Boosts Your SMSF Processing

How AI boosts your SMSF processing – the challenge is to know what your software is capable of.

How AI Boosts your SMSF Processing

In this episode we talk about Artificial Intelligence We speak with Ron Lesh, founder and managing director of BGL Corporate Solutions, about how AI can boost your SMSF processing. But we don’t just talk about SMSF processing. We will also talk about AI in general, ChatGPT, OCR, corporate compliance – we cover a lot of ground.

Please listen in as Ron since we only cover the tiniest fraction of the interview in these notes.

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How AI Boosts your SMSF Processing

Chances are you don’t use the full potential the AI in the software you use. The biggest challenge for us as accountants around AI is learning what the AI in the software is capable of and then using that. 

AI Started Years Ago

Artificial Intelligence is not an, “Ok, now we do AI”. It’s not like the arrival of electricity. It isn’t like pitch darkness, you flick a button and suddenly it is light. AI started years ago. And the software you are using right now most likely already use AI.


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