423 | Identity Verification

Identity verification of clients is strongly recommended by the TPB, but not yet mandatory.

416 | How AI Boosts Your SMSF Processing

The challenge is to know what your software is now capable of thanks to AI. Ron Lesh of BGL tells you more in this interview.

412 | Pipeline Walkthrough with Prime Partners

Here is a pipeline walkthrough with Prime Partners in Sydney to show you what other accountants are doing. 

Hubspot for Accountants

405 | Hubspot for Accountants

Hubspot for accountants - does that really work? Can Hubspot give us what we as accountants and tax agents need to run our practice?

404 | CRMs for Accountants

CRMs for accountants - what should we as accountants and tax agents look for in a CRM?

393 | Electronic Signature Questions

Which state law applies when you have people in different states? Do the DINs change anything? How do you check that a client matches the ID provided? All electronic signature questions you ever wanted to know you find in this episode.

351 | Point of Sale Systems

Point of Sale and inventory management go hand in hand, but the focus is different, depending on what came first.

350 | Inventory Management Systems

In this episode let’s talk with Tony Harcourt of  Rype in Sydney about inventory management systems, especially Cin7, Dear and Unleash.

331 | From PI over FYI and Suite to KarbonHQ

From PI over FYI and Suite to KarbonHQ - here is Amy Holdsworth with a helpful overview.

307 | ERP Questions

In our last episode with Jeri Wambeek of WAO Connect we discussed ERP systems with you. In this episode, let’s ask Jeri three listener questions about ERP.

EPT Systems

306 | ERP Systems

ERP systems are different to Xero in four ways. Here is Jeri Wambeek of WAO Connect with the details.

Inventory Management Software

291 | Inventory Management Software

Xero and Shopify come with inventory management software - a simple one, but one nevertheless. How far can they take you?

275 | Tax Software

Tax software doesn't get much limelight. But in this episode with Alan Fitzgerald it will.

Tech Stack

258 | Tech Stack

Your tech stack can be a waste of money or can propel you to the next level. It all depends on how you built it to do what. 

App Integration

231 | App Integration

What does it actually mean when an app integrates with another app? Here are Jeffrey Atizado and Clinton Cowin with the answer.

App Ecosystem

230 | App Ecosystem

What should your app ecosystem look like? Here are Jeffrey Atizado of SMB Consultants and Clinton Cowin of TradiePad with some things to ponder.

app landscape

171 | App Landscape

In this episode Chris Hooper of Accodex in Adelaide discusses the app landscape and how to choose the right apps for your practice.

Accounting Automation

170 | Accounting Automation

Just automate everything and put up your feet. Chris Hooper of Accodex in Adelaide puts some reality into this notion.

Telling Cloud Stories

169 | Telling Cloud Stories

The cloud is full of stories which Heather Smith captures in her popular podcast 'Cloud Stories'. We asked her for more details.

writing xero for dummies

168 | Writing Xero for Dummies

In this episode Heather Smith will tell you how she wrote 'Xero for Dummies' and what she learned along the way.

Business Intelligence

164 | Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence used to just be for the big end of town. But that is changing. Here is Cameron Lynch of Etani in Adelaide with more.