436 | The Bendel Case Part 2
In ‘The Bendel Case Part 2’ – not the most creative title we ever came up with – we will drill deeper into what The Bendel Case means for you.
This author has yet to write their bio.
Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud July Solomon contributed a whooping 115 entries.
In ‘The Bendel Case Part 2’ – not the most creative title we ever came up with – we will drill deeper into what The Bendel Case means for you.
The Bendel Case shapes up to be the ATO’s Waterloo – a crushing defeat to the position the ATO took in TR 2010/3.
In this episode, Andrew Henshaw will walk you through the changes to the TASA 2009 and discuss the new Dob-In Rules for tax agents with you.
There are many PSI examples in PCG 2024/D2, but all are pretty black and white.
The four PSB tests no longer protect PSI from the PSI rules. Instead, PCG 2024/D2 drags Part IVA back onto the stage.
When you look at family trusts, everything rotates around the Test Individual. They are the stick in the sand.
When you work with private clients the question of a Family Trust Election almost always comes up. But you need to be careful. A family trust election can be dangerous and cost you a lot of tax, ie. Family Trust Distribution Tax.
This is part 2 of our talk about NDIS registration with Astrid Rivalland and Helen Young of LegalVision in Sydney. Please listen first to part 1 in episode 427.
Your NDIS registration can indirectly influence your GST exemption. Hence, this episode about the ins and outs of NDIS registrations.
In this final episode of our three-part mini-series about charities, we discuss Charitable Sub-Fund Arrangements with Darren Fittler of Gilbert + Tobin in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth.
PAF v PuAF – what is the difference between the two? Private ancillary fund v Public ancillary fund
How to structure a charity – should you use an unincorporated or incorporated association or a company limited by guarantee?
Identity verification of clients is strongly recommended by the TPB, but not yet mandatory.
Employee Share Option Plans – or ESOPs – give you an option to receive a share. That option might vest in the future, or it might not. Hence, taxation occurs only at the vesting point. Or in other words: The taxation point is at the point of vesting.
Employee Share Plans (ESP) give you shares without any strings attached. They are taxed upfront.
PSI in TR 2022/3 – steps 7 to 9 is about the employees test, business premises test as well as ATO PSI Determinations and of course the special agent rules.
There are nine steps to work out the taxation of PSI. In this episode, we cover steps 5 and 6, the 80% hurdle, and the second PSB test, the unrelated clients test
Let’s go through PSI in TR 2022/3 – Step 1 to 4. Once you put it into clear, simple steps, PSI is a lot less confusing. So in this episode we cover steps 1 to 4 and look closely at TR 2022/3.
Jamie Johns grew his firm to an annual turnover of $5m heading towards $10m. As a mentor at Wize Mentoring he has a unique view into what helps us grow.
The challenge is to know what your software is now capable of thanks to AI. Ron Lesh of BGL tells you more in this interview.
In this episode Rachel Harris of StriveX in the UK will tell you how team culture contributed to their phenomenal growth.
How social media helped StriveX to grow and how they manage to get so many referrals.
StriveX grew from GBP 50k to GBP 1m in 3.5 years – here is how they did it.
Here is a pipeline walkthrough with Prime Partners in Sydney to show you what other accountants are doing.
So far you could assume a 2-year amendment period for most SMEs. Not anymore. Here is what the update of Regulations 2015 change for you.
In this episode, we cover six questions about foreign trusts and companies.
When we talk about trust distributions, we always mention the possible assessment of the trustee. Especially when a trust distribution goes wrong, But what does that actually look like?
s99B Carve-outs are your way out. They protect you from s99B ITAA 1936.
s99B ITAA 1936 is about foreign trusts paying accumulated income to Australian resident beneficiaries. Take away one of these elements, and you don’t have a s99B issue.
From 2009 until October 2023, a UPE to a company was always a Div 7A issue. Not anymore. As Andrew Henshaw of Velocity Legal in Melbourne will tell you.
Hubspot for accountants – does that really work? Can Hubspot give us what we as accountants and tax agents need to run our practice?
CRMs for accountants – what should we as accountants and tax agents look for in a CRM?
Div 6E income is relevant when your trust income includes capital gains and/or franked distributions. Then Div 6E will avoid double taxation.
Trust Loss Allocation – Upton v Brown sets the scene. And then Cajkusic and Raftland confirm Upton v. Brown but very much limit its application.
There are many s100A pain points – let’s cover five in this update.
Let’s go to the very start and look at trust income. Because we need to understand trust income before we can talk about trust losses.
The theory around foreign trusts is confusing. So in this episode let’s use a New Zealand trust as a foreign trust example.
Foreign trusts are not an issue per se. Nor are resident trusts. It really depends. But if you do have a foreign trust, watch out for s99B ITAA 1936. That is a really dangerous one.
An asset protection trust (aka equity split) does not give you 100% protection but it helps. Each layer you use increases your protection from creditors.
Asset protection layers can get pierced through. None is watertight. But the more layers you have, the more protected you are.
Asset protection silos are to ringfence the assets of one business from the creditors of another.
Here are five transfer pricing examples that cover common transfer pricing issues.
A reasonably arguable position – a so-called ‘RAP’ – is essential to protect you from penalties and interest around transfer pricing.
Which state law applies when you have people in different states? Do the DINs change anything? How do you check that a client matches the ID provided? All electronic signature questions you ever wanted to know you find in this episode.
The legislative framework of electronic signatures is confusing – to say the least.
Child support lump sum payments are often favoured by mothers and might improve the relationship between parents.
Child support non-agency payments are payments to third parties credited to a child support liability.
The two s100A B Blood and Guardian cases cover some very specific scenarios. And not common examples.
Updated s100A TR and PCG – get the updated review of ATO’s approach to s100 issues. Avoid reimbursement arrangements.
TR 98/4 situations 4 and 5 are about non-arm’s length income and arrangements.
TR 98/4 is about child maintenance trust arrangements. It lists five scenarios where the CMT does not qualify for excepted income.
Child maintenance trust income – this is the second part of our interview about the excepted income in child maintenance trusts.
CMT excepted income is what a child maintenance trust is all about. If you don’t have excepted income, then there is little point in having a CMT.
A system of agreement wraps around an electronic signature. A signature never exists alone floating in space.
You have seven options to qualify for the simplified transfer pricing record keeping as outlined in PCG 2017/2.
Transfer pricing is an issue whenever you deal with an associated entity overseas.
This pipeline walk-through with Taxopedia will give you ideas and food for thought.
Small business litigation funding sounds great but the devil is in the detail. There will be a substantial funding gap. Who pays that gap?
Bitcoin is not a currency – at least that is what the AAT says in Seribu Pty Ltd v CoT in 2020.
‘In the Black accounting’ covers the final three concepts in the book ‘In the Black’.
‘In the Black Production’ covers the production concepts in the book ‘In the Black’.
‘In the Black Marketing’ – the title of this episode – covers the medium and long-term marketing principles outlined in Allen Bostrom’s book ‘In the Black”.
Nothing happens until there is a sale’. That is the first concept in Roger Knecht’s book ‘In the Black”.
The non-commercial loss provisions for partnerships use the same rules as for sole traders. But then there are a few additional rules.
Late payment of super has always been a problem but now with Single Touch Payroll, it has become a much bigger problem.
Registered share capital can be paid or unpaid. Does it matter which one it is?
A child support subpoena issued by the child support agency or the court poses a risk for the paying parent.
PSI in child support assessments is tricky. Even when you pass the PSI rules and have a PSB, the agency can override this.
The 4P framework is a helpful tool to work out how to grow your accounting practice.
PCG 2022/D2 gives you a safe harbour for non-commercial business losses.
In this solocast you will hear 17 arguments for offshore direct hire.
In this solocast, you will hear 17 arguments for offshore labour hire, e.g. using TOA.
ASIC deregistration of insolvent companies can be a deliberate strategy.
As your business struggles, when is it time to call it a day? Here is Ben Sewell with nine more questions to ask.
What should you do when your business is struggling? There are 19 questions to ask.
How to hire offshore staff – only 2 steps but there is a lot in there.
How to find your offshore staff – nine steps to find who you need. From advertising to shortlisting and interview.
This one will affect anybody with at least one land holding in Queensland and at least one other holding anywhere else in Australia.
This latest report was published in August 2022 and covers developments up until 31 March 2022. The June numbers are not out yet. In this episode, Kevin Zhang, Technical Compliance Manager of Class, will walk you through the main findings of this report.
A disclaimer of trust income used to be easy – not anymore as Andrew Henshaw of Velocity Legal in Melbourne will tell you.
The Carter Case changed everything. You can no longer disclaim a trust distribution for income tax purposes.
What is it like to work in a labour hire agency in the Philippines? Get an insider view on moonlighting and staff poaching.
Charitha Wasala tells you how he set up his own direct offshore team in Sri Lanka and manages his teams – directly without an agency sitting between him and his people.
Offshore labour hire has become a very popular solution. Listen to three Australian accountants about their experiences.
When you structure across the US – AU border, you easily run into the following six questions.
When your clients plan an expansion into the US, they will most likely ask you how to structure this.
How you structure your investment into US public and private markets depends on the following seven factors as Peter Harper of Asena Advisers will tell you in this episode.
Will a Div 7A Loan write-off trigger a deemed dividend under s109F ITAA36? That is the question.
Distributable surplus is one of five Div 7A quick fixes. If you have no distributable surplus, no deemed Div 7A dividend.
Amendment periods determine how much time you have to fix a tax return.
Point of Sale and inventory management go hand in hand, but the focus is different, depending on what came first.
In this episode let’s talk with Tony Harcourt of Rype in Sydney about inventory management systems, especially Cin7, Dear and Unleash.
Holding a 401K as an Australian tax resident can cost you a lot of tax – but there are ways around it.
When you move from the US back to Australia, your tax position faces two big issues: CGT and your 401k.
In this s100A Q & A session in our mini-series about s100A ITAA36 we go through all the outstanding questions you still had.
Blue zone arrangements can be saved. With a few tweeks you can usually move back into the green zone.
The Guardian case will give you a better defence when accused of a so-called ‘washing machine arrangement’.
The Jamsek case – together with the Personnel Contracting Case – changed everything as Sam Harvery will tell you.
Employee or contractor – Old problem. New Court Case. Two new court cases in fact that are changing everything.
In this TPB Q & A we ask the TPB three important questions about branding, overseas staff and supervision.
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